Abstracts of the conference will be published as a supplement issue of the Journal Intrinsic Activity (2017, vol. 5 (Suppl. 2)). Each abstract will be published both as HTML and PDF version including an individual DOI. A PDF file of the entire supplement with all abstracts of the conference will be provided during the conference.
Before abstract submission you must register for the conference. Deadline for submission: September 25, 2017. Abstracts may not be updated after final submission. Notification of acceptance decision will be sent via email by October 5, 2017. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, or for assistance on abstract submission, please contact Conference Secretariat: ICP2017RIGA@gmail.com Please read the submission guidelines before submitting the abstract.Guidelines for Preparation of Abstracts
- Only abstracts in clear English will be accepted. Please ensure that the abstract does not contain spelling, grammar or scientific errors and is of a quality suitable for publication.
- Greek characters or special symbols may be used. Please pay attention and check carefully the final text of the abstract before submission.
- Abstracts must be submitted online
- The presenting author must be listed as the first author and is required to ensure that all co-authors accept the content of the abstract before submission.
- The presenting author must be a registered participant. Please, ensure that the presenting author’s name on the abstract matches the name submitted for conference registration.
- Submitted abstracts should include un-published results.
- Abstracts must be submitted in Times New Roman font with single line spacing and justified text. Abstract Body (Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions): a maximum of 350 words.
- Abstracts should be saved and uploaded in .docx (Word format)
- Receptor and ion channel nomenclature should follow the official IUPHAR nomenclature, please see: http://www.guidetopharmacology.org
- Title: Please choose a title that clearly indicates the content of the contribution. Avoid abbreviations. The title is limited to 25 words (in bold, Sentence case, font size 14)
- Author(s) name(s): full first name and uppercase family name should be stated in font size 12. Do not include degrees or titles.
- Author’s affiliations: mentioned below author names, numbered (in italics, font size 10). Number should be put after author’s surname without spacing and in superscript. Include the name of the department, institute/university, city and country.
- Presenting/corresponding author's: name and family name of presenting author should be marked with Asterisk (*). Full postal address and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be mentioned.
- Abstract Body, including Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions should not exceed a maximum of 350 words.
- Acknowledgements.
- Keywords: up to 5 keywords, separated by commas.
- References: should be indicated by numbers in brackets: [1] or [1,2] in the 'Abstract Body' section. A maximum of four references is allowed.
Please prepare your abstract strictly according to this template (download).
In case of successful abstract submission, you will see the following text: "Thank you for abstract submission to the 2nd International Conference in Pharmacology 'From Cellular Processes to Drug Targets'". Notification of acceptance decision will be sent via email to the corresponding author by October 5, 2017. Note: you must be registered participant for the conference by October 1, 2017.